C# Vs. C++: What’s the Difference Between C# and C++?

 C# Vs. C++: What’s the Difference Between C# and C++?

What is C++?

C++ is a computer programming language that contains the feature of C programming language as well as Simula67( a first object Oriented language). C++ introduced the concept of Class and Objects.

It encapsulates high and low-level language features. So, it is seen as an intermediate level language. Earlier it was called "C with classes" as it had all the properties of the C language. 

What is C#?

C-Sharp is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that runs on .Net Framework. It has features like strong typing, imperative, declarative, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming. It was developed by Microsoft within the .NET platform.

The name "C sharp" was inspired by musical notations. Here '#' symbol indicates that the written note must be made a semitone higher in pitch.

History of C++

C++ language was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT & T Bell Laboratories. Stroustrup was a strong supporter of C an admirer of Simula67. He wanted to combine the best of both the languages. He was aiming to create a language which supports object-oriented programming features and still retains the power of C. This resulted in C++.

History of C#

Anders Hejlsberg is the key contributor to C# language development. In 1999, he built a team to develop a new language which was then called "Cool.". The project was approved and announced in July 2000 at the .Net Developers Conference. The language was later renamed as C#.

Now in this C# vs C++ tutorial, let's understand the key differences between C Sharp vs C++.


  • C++ is a low level programming language that adds object-oriented features to its base language C whereas C# is a high level language.
  • C++ compiles down to machine code whereas C# 'compiles' down to CLR (Common Language Runtime), which is interpreted by JIT in ASP.NET.
  • C++ is an object-oriented language while C# is considered a component-oriented programming language.
  • In C++ you need to manage memory manually whereas C# runs in a virtual machine, which performs memory management automatically.
  • In C++ development should follow any specific architecture and must be portable whereas C# development should be simple, modem, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language.

Principles of C++ development

  • The program should be simple, object-oriented and easy to understand
  • Development should be conducted in the robust and secure environment.
  • Code should follow specific architecture and must be portable.
  • Code should be easily "interpreted and dynamic "

Principles of C# development

  • It should be simple, modem, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language.
  • The language and implementations should provide support for software engineering principles
  • C# is an ideal choice for building applications for both hosted and embedded systems.
  • Difference between C++ and C#

    Following is the main difference between C# and C++:

    C++ Vs C#




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